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"With a legspan that stretches 5.5 inches the spider, called Cerbalus aravensis, is the biggest of its type in the Middle East. “It is rare to find a new species of spider — at least around this part of the world — which is so big,” said biologist Uri Shanas of the University of Haifa-Oranim in Israel, who discovered the arachnid" Forrás: Link
Vesd össze ezzel
"The award for the most astronomically sized arachnid goes to the Goliath Bird-eating Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), who lives in the rain forests of northern South America and grows up to a whopping 12 inches across, including legs. Females can live up to 25 years and can weigh nearly a half a pound" A "25 year" szinte hihetetlen Forrás: Link
Az új faj 5,5 inch méretével elbújhat a 12 inch (1 inch=2,54 cm) mellett
A galériából ezt a makrót viszont nagyon irigylem
nõstény ugrópók (Phidippus mystaceus) 450 pixeles kivágat az eredeti képrõl, próbálok hasonlót elkövetni
Az eredeti kép forrása: Link

"With a legspan that stretches 5.5 inches the spider, called Cerbalus aravensis, is the biggest of its type in the Middle East. “It is rare to find a new species of spider — at least around this part of the world — which is so big,” said biologist Uri Shanas of the University of Haifa-Oranim in Israel, who discovered the arachnid" Forrás: Link
Vesd össze ezzel

"The award for the most astronomically sized arachnid goes to the Goliath Bird-eating Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), who lives in the rain forests of northern South America and grows up to a whopping 12 inches across, including legs. Females can live up to 25 years and can weigh nearly a half a pound" A "25 year" szinte hihetetlen Forrás: Link
Az új faj 5,5 inch méretével elbújhat a 12 inch (1 inch=2,54 cm) mellett

A galériából ezt a makrót viszont nagyon irigylem

nõstény ugrópók (Phidippus mystaceus) 450 pixeles kivágat az eredeti képrõl, próbálok hasonlót elkövetni