A L. pallidus-ról ezt írja egy srác, aki tart ilyet: "The bite is relatively harmless. A bit is less toxic than the L. geometricus; so... it's okay, but still very Painfull!!! ;-)" Azt is írja, hogy nagyon félõs pók és egyáltalán nem agresszív.
A L. cinctus: "Envenomation by these spiders can be fatal to children and ill or infirm adults. Ordinarily, the body mass of a healthy adult is sufficient to dilute the venom to less than a fatal concentration."
A L. geometricus : "Like all Latrodectus species, L. geometricus has a neurotoxic venom that, drop by drop is as toxic as the Black Widow. Dr. G.B. Edwards, a University of Florida arachnologist claims that brown widow venom is twice as potent as the black widow venom, but is usually confined to the bite area and surrounding tissue, as opposed to the black widow. UC Riverside stated that toxicity isn't the only factor. After viewing spider bites, UCR claimed that majority of spider bites were similar to other house spiders, possibly because they cannot deliver the same amount of venom as the Black Widow. Other sources say that the brown widow is less venomous than L. mactans. Regardless, very few people, who have been bitten, describe the experience as painful. Unless a person is allergic or has a pre-existing medical condition, no concern is needed in the garden, home, or shed."
Melyik faj érdekelne még?
A mediterrán, a L. tredecimguttatus esetében néha (nagyon nagyon néha) van haláleset, kevéssé mérgezõ, mint amerikai barátunk (L. mactans), s neki is elsõsorban a keleti alfaja a veszélyesebb.
Itt vannak még adatok a L. tredecimguttatus mérgérõl: Link
A harapásuk által keltett hatást latrodectism néven illetik, összefoglaló cikk errõl: Link
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A L. cinctus: "Envenomation by these spiders can be fatal to children and ill or infirm adults. Ordinarily, the body mass of a healthy adult is sufficient to dilute the venom to less than a fatal concentration."
A L. geometricus : "Like all Latrodectus species, L. geometricus has a neurotoxic venom that, drop by drop is as toxic as the Black Widow. Dr. G.B. Edwards, a University of Florida arachnologist claims that brown widow venom is twice as potent as the black widow venom, but is usually confined to the bite area and surrounding tissue, as opposed to the black widow. UC Riverside stated that toxicity isn't the only factor. After viewing spider bites, UCR claimed that majority of spider bites were similar to other house spiders, possibly because they cannot deliver the same amount of venom as the Black Widow. Other sources say that the brown widow is less venomous than L. mactans. Regardless, very few people, who have been bitten, describe the experience as painful. Unless a person is allergic or has a pre-existing medical condition, no concern is needed in the garden, home, or shed."
Melyik faj érdekelne még?
A mediterrán, a L. tredecimguttatus esetében néha (nagyon nagyon néha) van haláleset, kevéssé mérgezõ, mint amerikai barátunk (L. mactans), s neki is elsõsorban a keleti alfaja a veszélyesebb.
Itt vannak még adatok a L. tredecimguttatus mérgérõl: Link
A harapásuk által keltett hatást latrodectism néven illetik, összefoglaló cikk errõl: Link
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