Kosakiss cikkének címe: "Observational evidence for contributions to cyclogen, esis due to short, term variations within the lower troposphere caused by sunspots". Érdekes, de eddig nekem sem sikerült linkelhetõ hivatkozást találnom, csak a cikk címét. A Journal of Meteorology-ban jelent meg.
A cikkhez kapcsolódva viszont egy egész könyvre bukkantam: Link : R.E. Benestad: Solar Activity and Earth's Climate
De találtam cikkeket is (alább nem csak a témához szorosabban kötõdõ cikkeket linkelek, hanem általánosabb megfigyelésekrõl szólókat is, de egyébként még sokak nevét nem találtam meg, akiket Kosakiss említett (konkrétan nem is kerestem rájuk, csak a fenti cikkbõl elindulva navigáltam az egymást idézõk között)):
Link J.L. Lean, Y.M. Wang, N.R. Sheeley jr. (2002): The effect of increasing solar activity on the Sun's total and open magnetic flux during multiple cycles: Implications for solar forcing of climate [geophysical research letters 29(24), p. 77]
Link C de Jager (2012): Solar Forcing of Climate [surveys in geophysics 33(3-4), pp. 445-451]
Link Gérard Thuillier (2000): Absolute UV Radiation, its Variability and Consequences for the Earth's Climate [a. wilson (2000): the solar cycle and terrestrial climate, solar and space weather euroconference(proceedings of the 1st solar and space weather euroconference), pp. 69-78]
Link Prof. Dr. Karin Labitzke, Prof. Harry van Loon (2007): Solar effects in the middle and lower stratosphere and probable associations with the troposphere [space weather- physics and effects, pp. 225-245]
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Link V.L. Merzyakov (2000): SOLAR MAGNETIC VARIABILITY AS A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF VARIATIONS IN THE GLOBAL AIR TEMPERATURE [geomagnetism and aeronomy 40(5), pp. 642-647]
Link R.E. Benestad (2000): On Solar-Terrestrial Correlation Studies: Pitfalls and Real Signals [a. wilson (2000): the solar cycle and terrestrial climate, solar and space weather euroconference(proceedings of the 1st solar and space weather euroconference), pp. 477-480]
Link Boris Soukharev & Karin Labitzke (2001): The 11-year solar cycle, the 27-day Sun’s rotation and the area of the stratospheric Aleutian high [meteorologische zeitschrift 10(1), pp. 29-36]
T. Murata & Y. Muraki (2002): On the effect of solar particles over the polar upper atmosphere [il nuovo cimento della societá italiana di fisica. c. geophysics and space physics 25(3) pp. 339-352]
Link Rasmus E. Benestad (1999): Solar activity and global sea-surface temperatures [astronomy & geophysics 40(3), pp. 14-17]
Link RC Balling Jr, RS Cerveny (2003.09): Cosmic ray flux impact on clouds? An analysis of radiosonde, cloud cover, and surface temperature records from the United States [theoretical and applied climatology 75(3-4), pp. 225-231]
C.M. Richter (1902): Sonnenflecken, Erdmagnetismus und Luftdruck [meteorologische zeitschrift]
Link JA Broun (187laza: Sun-Spots, Atmospheric Pressure, and the Sun's Heat [nature 19(471), pp. 6-9]
Link Fres Chambers (187laza: Sun-Spots and Weather [nature 18(465), 567-568]
Link E. Douglas Archibald (1879): Barometric Pressure and Sun-Spots [nature 20(497), pp. 28-29]